With Sarah McMahill

Sarah McMahill

The place where myofascial massage, the enneagram, and music & the arts are woven together!

Below you'll find the audio and lyrics to the songs I composed for each of the 9 enneagram types. A couple friends helped me to record them for the workshop I co-led with Roland Legge called Self-Care Toolkit: The Enneagram - Working With Change in Your Life. This album, the workshop, and other items are available at my store.

One: Perfectly Imperfect
Piano: Mindy Eschedor
Soprano: Sarah McMahill
I can tell what's right and wrong.
I can see things as they are.
I know how to improve things
and to make them easier.
What's hard for me to realize
is that what's right
might not be helpful.
Show me that it's okay
to be perfectly imperfect,
to accept what is,
slowly breathe in calmness
and know that I am good.
Here comes the judge again
that internal nagging critic
who tells me to be perfect all the time.
If only I can learn
that perfection means being my true self;
to be exactly as I am.
Show me that it's okay
to be perfectly imperfect,
to accept what is,
slowly breathe in calmness
and know that I am good.
I've spent my whole life
reining myself in
not allowing spontaneity
not allowing myself or others
to make mistakes.
The anger I don't see
comes out as frustration
and can be overwhelming.
Show me that it's okay
to be perfectly imperfect
to accept what is,
slowly breathe in calmness
and know that I am good.
Two - Connections
Piano: Mindy Eschedor
Soprano: Sarah McMahill
I can show up as whatever you need.
I can be your super human
and give you what you want
before you even know it.
I am on your team.
I am your cheerleader.
I am indispensable.
You can count on me.
I reach out and within
connecting easily to others
and my loving self.
I reach out and within
connecting easily to others
and my loving self.
I see holes empty of love,
so I will fill them with all I have and more.
With all the love that I give to others,
I forget to love myself.
I forget that I'm worthy of love.
I forget to see my needs.
I forget that showing emotions can connect me, too.
Help me to reach out and within
connecting easily to others
and my loving self.
I reach out and within
connecting easily to others
and my loving self.
Three: Ninety Seconds
(based on an exercise by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor)
Piano: Mindy Eschedor
Soprano: Andrea Leonard
Don't slow down
must keep moving forward
and look like everything's better than fine.
Push on through
to reach my goal.
Failing is not an option.
I must look good and feel confident
wherever I am
even when I don't feel it.
I won't let emotions, mine and yours,
get in my way.
When my body crashes
I'm forced to stop;
made to slow down.
Ninety seconds.
Ninety seconds
is all it takes.
Ninety seconds
to honor emotions.
Ninety seconds
and then I can let go
of what is inside.
Ninety seconds
is all it takes.
Ninety seconds
to feel what I need to feel.
Ninety seconds
is all it takes.
One day
I will go beyond
ninety seconds
and know
I am always valued for who I am.
Four: Deep
Piano: Mindy Eschedor
Soprano: Sarah McMahill
Deep flows my peace.
Deep flows my strength.
Free my story
so I may hear yours.
Deep flows my peace.
Deep flows my strength.
Sorrow and joy may I feel
the depth of emotion
within my being.
Deep flows my peace.
Deep flows my strength.
I now see
when I pull back
when I'm filled with hatred
when I'm forceful
when I'm dramatic
I gently breathe in my depth
and remember the beauty of life.
Deep flows my peace.
Deep flows my strength.
Deep flows my peace.
Deep flows my strength.
Five - Step On Out
Piano: Mindy Eschedor
Soprano: Sarah McMahill
In my castle high on the mountaintop
I can see the entire world below me.
All the bits and pieces
make the whole so beautiful
and easier to understand.
The vast knowledge
is there for the learning!
But wait, something is missing.
I'll try stepping on out
to engage the world.
I'll step on out
sharing my knowing.
I'll step on out
shining with purpose.
Even when I step on out
I may need some time alone
to process my experiences.
Don't let me go astray
when you feel me pull back.
When the drama, emotions, and conflict overwhelms
and trust is broken
I could... disappear.
With a gentle, trusting hand reaching out
every once in awhile
I might have the courage
to try stepping on out
if just for a little bit.
I'll try to step on out
sharing my knowing.
I'll try to step on out
when I'm given a purpose.
I'm gonna step on out.
Six - Answers
Soprano: Sarah McMahill
Looking left. Looking right.
Looking forward. Looking backward.
Looking every way but right here, right now.
Right here, right now is stillness.
The answers we seek are within us.
Right here, right now is stillness
The answers we seek are within us.
I am nervous, I am anxious
on a nearly daily basis.
There are those rare times
when I am fearless!
When I remember to slow down
and go within
I can find my courage
to be right here, right now.
Right here, right now is stillness.
The answers we seek are within us.
Right here, right now is stillness
The answers we seek are within us.
Seven: Come On An Adventure
Piano: Mindy Eschedor
Soprano: Andrea Leonard
*Quote from Rumi
I have no fear. I have no pain.
The world is full of freedom
and unlimited possibilities to gain.
Nothing and no one
will hold me back.
I will not be trapped!
Come on an adventure with me!
There are wonders around every corner
and so many things to see!
The self-reliance I have inside
is so very strong
that I don't know
how to let anyone
take care of me
even when it's something
I desire deeply.
Come on an adventure with me!
There are wonders around every corner
and so many things to see!
My commitment runs deep
when there's something or someone
I care about.
Though if I felt every feeling,
I don't know
if I could stop.
I will always say I'm ok
even if I'm not.
Come on an adventure with me!
There are wonders around every corner
and so many things to see!
Of all the things I have seen
and everything I have done,
the one place I haven't been
was inside.
So I decided to
"look inwards
And the beauty of my own emptiness
Filled me until dawn."*
Come on an adventure with me
where we can just be!
There are wonders around every corner
and so many things to see!
Eight: Teddy Bear in Combat Boots
Piano: Mindy Eschedor
Soprano: Andrea Leonard
When you're troubled,
Down and out,
Want to share a joy
Or just need a friend,
Come to me!
Don't you be complainin', though
Just ask for what you need.
For I am your teddy bear in combat boots.
I will give you, oh so many hoots!
I am your fierce mama bear
and I will always care.
The teddy bear in me has lots of love for you.
The passion I have will never die.
The fountain of energy keeps growing strong
There may be times I might be wrong
But my certainty is unwavering.
You are my everything!
I am your teddy bear in combat boots.
I will give you, oh so many hoots!
I am your fierce mama bear
and I will always care.
When life gets tough, I will be there for you
I will be there through and through.
I will catch you if you fall
I am with you for the long-haul.
Know that I will say things as they are
and will try to say it with a gentle heart.
I am your teddy bear in combat boots.
I will give you, oh so many hoots!
I am your fierce mama bear
and I will always care.
If it seems I'm too intense and angry
If it seems I'm too controlling,
I may be hurt.
I may need my own teddy bear in combat boots
and for someone to give me, oh so many hoots.
I may need a fierce mama bear
who will always care,
So I can get back to myself
as your teddy bear in combat boots.
and giving you, oh so many hoots!
I am your fierce mama bear
and I will always care.
Nine: Let There Be
Piano: Mindy Eschedor
Soprano: Sarah McMahill
Ask me
Oh, will you ask me
for what I want
even if I don't know.
It might be later in the moment
when what I want shows.
Questions help me clarify
with what I truly want.
Support me as I verify.
I'll try to be upfront.
Oh, let there be peace!
Let there be harmony!
Let there be love!
May we learn from each other.
I lose myself and my voice
when I get lost in the crowd
It feels like I have no choice
but I can learn to stand proud
when I remember that I matter.
Oh, let there be peace!
Let there be harmony!
Let there be love!
May we learn from each other.